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40巻2号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11665/2675

Title: 当院における糖尿病受診中断予防の取り組み
Other Titles: Efforts to Prevent Interruption of Diabetic Care in Our Hospital:
Authors: 近藤, 有里子
細尾, 真奈美
和田, 英美子
安威, 徹也
小暮, 彰典
Keywords: 糖尿病
Issue Date: 25-Dec-2020
Publisher: 京都市立病院紀要編集委員会
Citation: 京都市立病院紀要(0286-1356)40巻2号 Page24-28(2020.12)
Abstract: 糖尿病患者における受診中断は合併症進行のリスクであり,その対策として再受診勧奨が有効と言われている.当科では 2016 年4 月より外来通院中の糖尿病患者のうち希望者に未受診時の再受診勧奨を開始した.24 か月後の受診中断率は3.3%で, 再受診勧奨の連絡に応答があった者の8 割が再受診しており,この取り組みは受診中断抑制に一定の効果を認めた.95%の患 者が未受診時の連絡を希望しており,漏れなく確実に連絡を行える体制を作り,積極的に再受診を勧めることが重要である.
Missing a doctor’s appointment may result in interruption of diabetic care and promote the development of complications in patients with diabetes. An effective preventive measure has been said to be to contact and encourage the patients to revisit their doctor. In April 2016, we began to contact the outpatients who had given their consent to encourage them to revisit our hospital when they missed an appointment. After 24 months, the interruption rate became 3.3%, and 80% of those who were contacted did revisit their doctor. Thus the effort was found to be effective. Ninety-five percent of the patients wished to be contacted after they missed their appointment for consultation. It is important to create a fail-free system to contact and remind all patients not to miss their next appointment for uninterrupted diabetic care.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11665/2675
ISSN: 0286-1356
Appears in Collections:40巻2号

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