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38巻2号 >

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タイトル: 多列線毛上皮と埋伏過剰歯を伴った下顎骨嚢胞の1例
その他のタイトル: A Case of Mandibular Cyst with Multiple Layered Glandular Ciliated Epithelium and a Supernumerary Impacted Tooth
著者: 西村, 毅
キーワード: 歯原性嚢胞
発行日: 2018年12月25日
出版者: 京都市立病院紀要編集委員会
引用: 京都市立病院紀要(0286-1356)38巻2号 Page66-71(2018.12)
抄録: 症例は15歳男性.右下顎部に特に自覚症状はなかったが,20XX年,X線CT所見にて右下顎骨嚢胞が疑われ,MRI所見にて粘液様腫瘍が疑われた.全身麻酔下に病変部摘出術を行った.摘出物の病理組織学的所見は腺性歯原性嚢胞( glandularodontogenic cyst:GOC)の可能性があるとの診断であった.GOCは臨床的に侵襲性発育を示すものがあり,それが術後の再発率が高い理由とされているが,報告例が少なく詳細は不明で,今後の症例の蓄積が必要である.
A 15-year-old male patient visited a dentist and was pointed out a supernumerary impacted tooth and radiolucent lesion in the right mandible on X-ray examination in October 20XX.The patient visited another dentist in a general hospital in March 20XX.The computed tomography showed the supernumerary impacted tooth,located between the right lower 4 and 5 tooth,connected to the cystic lesion,having multiple clusters,having a clear margin and hardened edge, located on the lingual side mandible between the right lower 2 and 5 tooth,and showing slight displacement from the right lower 2 to 5 tooth.The patient was referred to our hospital in April 20XX.On magnetic resonance imaging the lesion showed a high signal on T2W1, slightly higher signal than that of muscle on T1W1,and a higher hydrated signal in the lingual right mandible. It was suspected to be a mandibular cyst.Extirpation of the lesion, root amputation of the right lower 2 to 5 teeth,and extraction of the supernumerary tooth were performed in June 20XX. The histological diagnosis revealed a cystic lesion which had multiple layers of glandular ciliated epithelium,and thus was suspected to be a glandular odontogenic cyst.The postoperative course was uneventful for over 5 years after the operation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11665/1649
ISSN: 0286-1356


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