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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11665/1573

Title: 「HIV薬剤師外来」の有用性の検討
Other Titles: Report of the Usefulness of HIV Outpatient Pharmacist Clinic
Authors: 村田, 龍宣
大橋, 正和
本多, あずさ
村岡, 淳二
寺前, 晃介
中逵, 尚
清水, 恒広
Keywords: 薬剤師外来
Outpatient pharmacist clinic
ART (antiretroviral therapy)
Team medical care
Issue Date: 15-Sep-2017
Publisher: 京都市立病院紀要編集委員会
Citation: 京都市立病院紀要(0286-1356)37巻1号 Page27-30(2017.09)
Abstract: 京都市立病院では,2016年4月から「HIV薬剤師外来」を開設した.今回,その有用性について検討した.開設前は主に医師からの依頼により患者面談を行っていたが,開設後は面談件数の約半数が薬剤師からの提案であったことより,薬剤師が積極的に介入できる環境が構築できたと考えられた.また,開設後は「服薬状況の確認」,「副作用の確認」,「病状の確認」の介入内容が増加したため,HIV薬剤師外来はHIV患者の服薬を継続的にサポートする有効な手段であると考えられた.さらに,患者の服薬に関する問題点を把握し,薬物療法の提案が行えることから,医師への診療支援にも貢献できると示唆された.
We report the usefulness of the project “HIV outpatient pharmacist clinic” established at our hospital in April 2016. Before the project was established,HIV patients’ interviews were done mainly at the request of the doctor.However, after the project was started,about half of the interviews were made in response to the pharmacist's suggestion. This indicates that we have created an environment that pharmacists could participate actively in the care of HIV patients. In addition, pharmaceutical interventions such as confirmation of patient’s compliance, adverse effects and disease status were increasing after establishment of the project.This suggests that the HIV outpatient pharmacist clinic was effective in helping the patient to continue their medications.Furthermore,by grasping the problems of the patients' medications,therapy recommendations could be made properly to support the doctor in treating the patients.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11665/1573
ISSN: 0286-1356
Appears in Collections:37巻1号

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